Thursday, July 1, 2010


WordNet (r) 2.1 (2005)
ultraconservative adj 1: extremely conservative n 1: an extreme conservative; an opponent of progress or liberalism [syn: reactionary, ultraconservative, extreme right-winger]

Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
57 Moby Thesaurus words for "ultraconservative": Bircher, Bourbon, Tory, anarchistic, anarcho-syndicalist, backward, conservationist, conservatist, conservative, die-hard, diehard, extreme, extreme right-winger, extremist, extremistic, fogy, fogyish, hard hat, imperialist, laudator temporis acti, mildly radical, monarchist, mossback, nihilistic, nonprogressive, old fogy, old school, old-fashioned, old-fogyish, old-line, opposed to change, pink, preservative, radical, radical right, reactionarist, reactionary, reactionist, red, revolutionary, revolutionist, right, right of center, right wing, right-wing, right-winger, rightist, royalist, social Darwinist, standpat, standpatter, stick-in-the-mud, subversive, syndicalist, ultraist, ultraistic, unprogressive

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