Wednesday, June 23, 2010


English Explanatory Dictionary
esculent ˈeskjulənt adj. & n. --adj. fit to eat; edible. --n. an edible substance. [L esculentus f. esca food]

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Esculent \Es"cu*lent\, a. [L. esculentus, fr. escare to eat, fr. esca food, fr. edere to eat: cf. F. esculent. See Eat.] Suitable to be used by man for food; eatable; edible; as, esculent plants; esculent fish. Esculent grain for food. --Sir W. Jones. Esculent swallow (Zo["o]l.), the swallow which makes the edible bird's-nest. See Edible bird's-nest, under Edible.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Esculent \Es"cu*lent\, n. Anything that is fit for eating; that which may be safely eaten by man.

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