Thursday, March 4, 2010


Websters 1828 Dictionary

Importune IMPORTU'NE, v.t. [L. importunus; in and porto, to bear on.]
To request with urgency; to press with solicitation; to urge with frequent or unceasing application.
Their ministers and residents here have perpetually importuned the court with unreasonable demands.
IMPORTU'NE, a. [L. importunus. Formerly accented on the second syllable.]
1. Pressing in request; urgent; troublesome by frequent demands; vexatious; unreasonable.
2. Unseasonable.
[This word is obsolete; being superseded by importunate, unless perhaps in poetry.]

WordNet (r) 2.1 (2005)

importune v 1: beg persistently and urgently; "I importune you to help them" [syn: importune, insist]

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