Thursday, December 31, 2009


Katzenjammer - n.
1.A loud, discordant noise.
2.A hangover.
3.A state of depression or bewilderment.
[German, hangover : Katzen, pl. of Katze, cat (from Middle High German katze , from Old High German kazza, akin to Old English catt; see cat) + Jammer, wailing (from Middle High German jāmer , from Old High German jāmar, misery).]

Happy New Year's Eve!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


inane - adj. 1. empty 2. lacking sense; silly; foolish

"The Athletic Dept. is funded through Auxiliary Funds. No state or student money goes to pay for their expenses! They are TOTALLY SEPARATE! It is inane to suggest that the funding is all from one source and can be used however the University sees fit....."

This comment was directed toward me. In other words, someone called me inane! On the other hand, the adjective tosser plays Mafia Wars on facebook, so - how seriously can I take this?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


evanescent - adj. tending to fade away; vanishing; fleeting.
Use in a sentence:
I have only an evanescent memory of my childhood.
By the evanescent light the home of my youth looks eerily familiar.

Monday, December 28, 2009


lacuna - n, 1. a space where something has been omitted or has come out; missing part; gap; hiatus

Sunday, December 27, 2009


lugubrious - adj. very sad or mournful, esp. in a way that seems exaggerated or ridiculous.

Use lugubrious in a sentence.
I have lugubrious feelings about going back to work tomorrow following a four day holiday.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Oh dear God! I began a blog about vocabulary words all because the word "inadequate" kept circulating in my brain a few days before Christmas. Let me use it in a sentence: It was the night before Christmas Eve and my preparations for the holidays were grossly inadequate.

Now what have I started? I guess I'll have to continue.

Gluttonous, adj. 1. tending to eat excessively; voracious. 2. greedy; insatiable.
ant. abstemious, temperate, moderate, abstinent, picky, anoretic.

Please note: It is the day after Christmas.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


inadequate - adj. not adequate; not sufficient.